Departing Missionaries July
Post: July 26
Elder Cook
Hermana Wixom
Hermana Sorenson
Elder Warren
Elder Kelly
Elder Burton
Elder Casto
Elder Hale
Elder Bollschweiler
Elder Fong Baeza
Elder Umphress
Elder Larsen
Elder Golling
Elder Maugh
Elder Sheilds
Elder Urness
Elder Stewart-Chester
Elder Hinckley
Elder Morse
Elder and Sister Mathias
Departing Group Pictire
Elders Morse and Maughan
Hermanas Wixon and Sorensen
Elders Eddenfield Umphress
Elders Warren, Maughan, morse, umphress, Casto,
Hermanas Wixom and Sorensen and Elders Warren, Umphress, Kelly
Elders Fong, Burton and Kelly, and Umphress
Elders Morse Hale, Sheilds, Casto, Eddenfield
Elders Harris, Larsen, Morse, Hale, Maughan, Cook Kelly, Casto...
Elders Atkinson, Maughan, Glines
Elders Hale, Fong
Hermana Wixom
Elder Matthias
Elders, Cook and Umphress
Sister Matthias, Hermanas Sorensen, Wixom
Elders Kelly, Matthias, and Shields
Elder Warren and Elder McDonnald
Elders Fong, Burton, Morse, Casto Hilton
Sister Griffin's Birthday
Hermanas Wixom and Sorensen
Elder Burton with Parents
Elder Golling with Parents
Sister's Ethington, Matthias, Elders Shield, Harris, Urness waiting for families to pick them up.
Elder Urness and family
Elder Urness and family
Elder Urness and family
Elder Harris and Brother
Elder Harris and Brothers
Pres and Sister Griffin, Elder Harris and Brothers
Pres and Sister Griffin, Elder Harris and Brothers
Pres. and Sister Griffin, Elder Shields and family
Elder Urness with his father in the office
Elder Shields and parents in the office
Elder Unrness' family, Bushers and Pres. Griffin
Elder Urness and family
Elder Urness and Brother
Elder Shields and President Griffin
Elder Shield and family
Elder Hinckley and Elder Umphress
Elder Hinckley and Elder Warren
Elders Hinckley, Urness, Hilton, Bollschweiler, Golling,
Elder Maughan
Elders Maughan and Hinckley
Elders Shields and Golling
Elder and Sister Matthias
Sister Matthias
Elders Umphress, Hinkley
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